Sharing Thoughts & Expertise
Bonus Article: Hints for helping kids survive the holidays
Here are some hints to help your kids (and you) survive the holidays.
Don’t make a new year’s resolution
New Year’s Resolutions are notoriously unreliable for making any long term changes. Check out these tips on practical ways to help you stick with your goals for you and your family.
Staying Positive at work
With so much going on this time of year, some find their stress level going up. And it can affect your job and your health. Read about ways to help stay positive at work.
Being grateful for that ungrateful teenager
Parenting a teenager that is “ungrateful” might best be solved by changing your response to their behavior. And practicing a little gratitude too.
Do your Priorities reflect the life you want?
Suggestions from a Leadership, Productivity, & Accountability Coach on managing priorities to reflect the life you want.
Not Just October
From hearing the words that you have breast cancer to the understanding that you are not alone, read one woman’s thoughts…
Healthy Boundaries = Good Parenting suggests Parenting Coach
Boundaries are good self care for parents. When parents take care of themselves, they have more patience for their kids. Show your kids how to set healthy boundaries and say no.
Coping With Anxiety Stress and Uncertainty in Teens From an Adolescent Psychologist
Wouldn’t you like to hear suggestions from a professional who talks with teens everyday about their anxieties and fears? Read these suggestions from an adolescent psychologist.
Adhd from a Teen perspective
Teenage years can be confusing enough but many are also navigating brain differences as well. Knowledge is a powerful tool. And this teen suggests listening and patience as the best help.
Tips for Common ADHD Challenges From A Certified Educational Therapist
While issues can varying in children who are diagnosed with ADHD, many challenges can be common for most. This article will offer practical suggestions.
What Does an ADHD Parent coach do?
Doctors, therapist, schools, books and more… there is a lot of information out there about ADHD. But, sometimes parents need something geared specifically to their child.
4 Tips from a Professional Coach on How to Work Without Losing Yourself
Starting your work day intentionally before time gets lost.
Start Anew
After a wake up call, her journey began. Learn about her experience and learn from it.
Keep Your Transition to Fall Schedules On Track-10 Pointers from a Creative Designer/Home Organizer
Suggestions you can easily incorporate in to your home to tame the toughest family schedules.
Transition Summer Pieces to An on-trend Fall Wardrobe with Image Consulting Coach and Wardrobe Stylist
Pro-tips for transitioning your work and weekend wardrobe
Holistic Wellness Coach Suggests Creativity to Keep Self-Care Fun this Fall
Keep your Self-care going with a little creativity…
Practical School Lunch Packing PRINCIPLES
5 Proven Principles from a Health/Nutrition Coach & Mom