Don’t make a new year’s resolution

As someone who doesn’t “celebrate” any major holidays in December, I still use the holiday season to end the year on a positive note. Usually, by having lots of family connection time, resetting my annual intentions, or creating a space of love and light for the new year. This is a time of year to look back and see what worked, what didn’t, and how to move forward. 

Most people use this time to start considering New Year’s Resolutions. I am here to tell you, don’t. Just by the intrinsic procrastinative nature of waiting to start ‘your new life’, you are destined to fail. However, there are some creative and more realistic ways for you to be proactive with goal setting that can be more successful. 

Vision Board: Vision boarding or dream boarding is a creative visual representation of what you’d like to accomplish in the upcoming year. Dividing the board into the home, work, and self is an excellent way to get the creative juices flowing. Try to make your vision board as colorful and visually appealing as possible and hang it up in a place where you are reminded daily of what you hope to achieve in the new year. 

Mantra or Word of The Year: Spend a little time in the next few weeks and pick a word or mantra that you’d like to be the “theme” of your year. Bonus is getting your family involved and choosing a family theme you’d like to shape all of your micro-goals around. Once you all have voted and selected a word, maybe include it in your vision board, write it on a piece of paper and hang it on the fridge, and place the word somewhere visible to serve as a reminder for you and your family. Some examples that can be a theme for your family could include Serenity, Empowered, Truth, Contentment, Healthy, Tranquility, Joy, Peace. Let us know what you’ve chosen as your family Word of the Year.

Create a Bucket List: Make one for yourself and a combined one for the family. This list is ALL about the experiences you or your family want. This list can include anything from trips you’d like to take to a new hobby or skill you want to learn. Click Here and we will send a PDF to help you get started.

Prioritize the Practice of Mindfulness: Creating a goal of doing small acts of mindfulness in your daily life can significantly impact your emotional and physical health. Need ideas on how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into your everyday life? Check our social media for our Mindful Mondays posts; a bi-weekly video where I offer insight and ideas.

Reboot One Area of Your Life: Choose one area of your life to “reboot” and then create an action plan focused on exactly how you would do that. I will use the example of “becoming healthier” as this has been rated the number one New Years’ Resolution for most people. Rebooting your diet may include a full detox cleanse or slowly eliminating food choices that don’t make you feel GOOD after you’ve eaten them. However, large or small the action item is-create a plan and then focus on being consistent. Consistency is the key to creating any long-lasting change in your life.

If you’ve added “being a mindful parent” to your lists, that’s an area we can help.  Starting in January, Emerge Parenting Solutions will offer our ReConnect virtual small group coaching series. That’s an easy way to cross off one of the items on your 2023 list.


Bonus Article: Hints for helping kids survive the holidays


Staying Positive at work