Cleaning as self-care?

Are you noticing that your mood and energy level is going down? And a hectic schedule with family and work has your stress level going up. 

A crazy schedule may leave clutter and disorganization in its quake. Your car and home start drowning in piles and piles of things. All of which might be pulling your mental health down with it. 

A study by the University of Connecticut found that by removing or controlling clutter, we can directly reduce the stress that stems from the mess. You can feel happier, less anxious, and even feel more confident just by getting rid of and organizing your surroundings. 

Any other benefits? 

  • Enhance Your Creativity: Letting your mind wander while you are moving around can relax you mentally. This could even lead to a creative solution to a problem that has been in the back of your mind.

  • Feel better physically: Get up and get moving. No, it's not going to raise your heart rate or burn a cupcake worth of calories but just being active is always good. 

  • Be more focused: Nothing is more distracting than messy piles and things being scattered around. It is easier to be distracted if your space isn’t organized. A sense of organization can help keep your attention to the tasks at hand. 

  • Increase your productivity: There is nothing more energizing than physically seeing your accomplishments. Decluttering offers instant gratification; seeing your progress as you move through a room. It can jump start the rest of your to do list. 

  • Reduce anxiety: Stress and worry are heightened when we are surrounded by clutter. You can feel calmer in a room that is clean and organized. But, don’t make yourself more anxious by imagining all the work that is ahead. Focus on one room or even one small part of a room or closet at a time. Start small and see how you will gain the momentum to do more. And, remember it took a while for things to get messy so it will take time to get it back in order. 

  • Family fun: You may not automatically think of fun when you think of cleaning but you can make it fun. Try making a game of certain chores for your younger kids. Set up time blocks to make it feel manageable. Turn on the music and turn up the volume. 

We often get busy and things get disorganized. Don’t let it go so long that it starts to affect your mood. Self-care comes in many forms and taking time to create a peaceful home is good for you and your family. 


What’s love Got to do with it?


Tips from a Pro Organizer on 4 Places to Declutter Before Spring Cleaning